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Special Offers for the Espace Diamant! Get away from it all on our 192 Kms of Pistes at the best prices!

Reserve your ski passes in advance for more peace of mind and also to save money during your next holiday in the mountains!


INDIVIDUAL Ski Pass Early booking Espace Diamant: -20% pre-sales 6 weeks before the 1st day of skiing
Weeks 1-2-3-12-13-14 = 6 adult days 178.60 € / -20%
Weeks 4-5-10-11 = 6 adult days 189.70 € / -15%



INDIVIDUEL Ski Pass Early booking before 1 November

Weeks 51-6-9 = 6 adult days 200.90 € / -10%
Weeks 52-7-8 = 6 adult days 212.00 €/ – 5%


FAMILY PACKAGE Early booking Espace Diamant: -20% pre-sales 6 weeks before the 1st day of skiing

Weeks 1-2-3-12-13-14 = up to -20% of additional discount
Weeks 4-5-10-11 = up to -15% of additional discount



FAMILY PACKAGE Early booking Espace Diamant bought before 1 November

Weeks 51-6-9 = 6 adult days 200.90 € / -10% of additional discount


Commercial offers valid for online purchases only.

“The birth of mountain tourism” Exhibition by Adrianna Wojcik Muffat-Jeandet

Exhibition “Contemporary heritage: the birth of mountain tourism” by Adrianna Wojcik Muffat-Jeandet

From 1 February 2020 to September 2021 in the village and at the Tourist Office

Adrianna Wojcik Muffat-Jeandet is an artist living in the Pays du Mont Blanc. She immersed herself in the photographic heritage of the village of Praz-sur-Arly, and – through it – in the history of mountain tourism. In her contemporary creations (mixed technical drawings) the artist imagines landscapes and mountain scenery and depicts the actors of the past, inhabitants of Praz and tourists. These works will be exhibited in large format in the emblematic places of the village. This artistic tour includes an exhibition of her original works at the Tourist Office.



Details of the exhibition




Spring Information – Opening of Shops, Terraces and Services

Shops and Services


👉 Restaurants: The terraces of the Pralin, Gentiana, Ronins, Bergerie and the Belles Leisure Park are now open at midday and in the evening, much to our delight. They will continue to sell takeaways but are stopping deliveries. All the info and details in the table below.

👉 The Town Hall is open to the public from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00. Closed at weekends.

👉From 20 May, the Tourist Office is open to the public at the usual times: From Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 and 14.00 to 17.00. Closed on weekends and public holidays. (6 people maximum permitted inside the building).

👉 Public transport: the regular SAT lines are working, but please note: from 6 April, the “Auto gare de Megève” stop will be at the Palais des Sports due to roadworks. The OUIBUS Geneva-Sallanches lines are suspended until further notice.

👉 In Praz sur Arly, shops and services are OPEN : the medical practice, Destours Pharmacy (delivery service proposed), Le Montagnard Bakery, Sherpa Shops (delivery service proposed), Intermarché, Comptoir de la Bio, La Table Savoyarde, Le Gourmet des Montagnes, Compusoft, Arly Presse-Tabac, Garage Village Autos Services.


👉 Full details below (FR only):


Cabinet Audiard Cabinet médical Tous les jours de 9h à 11h et de 14h à 18h – UNIQUEMENT SUR RENDEZ VOUS Les Week end : urgences uniquement  04 50 21 95 74
Erwane Apertet Ostéopathe Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 19h – UNIQUEMENT SUR RENDEZ VOUS Le samedi de 9h à 12h – UNIQUEMENT SUR RENDEZ VOUSFermé le dimanche 06 99 72 55 95
Pharmacie Destours Pharmacie Du lundi au samedi de 9h à 12h15 et de 15h à 19h Fermé le dimanche 04 50 21 91 56
Le Montagnard Boulangerie Du lundi au samedi de 6h45 à 12h45 et de 15h30 à 19h30. Dimanche matin de 7h à 13h 04 50 21 26 76
Sherpa Alimentation proximité et service postal Du mardi au dimanche de 7h00 à 12h30 et de 15h00 à 19h00 Fermé le lundi 04 50 18 45 11
Intermarché Grande surface Du lundi au samedi de 8h30 à 19h00 Ouvert dimanche matin de 8h30 à 12h 04 50 34 51 05
Comptoirs de la bio Grande surface bio Du lundi au samedi de 8h30 à 19h00 Ouvert dimanche matin de 8h30 à 12h 04 50 53 22 20
La Table Savoyarde Alimentation de proximité / produits du terroir et italiens / charcuterie Les lundis/ mardis/ jeudis / vendredis / samedis de 8h30-12h30 et de 15h30-19h Fermé dimanche après-midi et mercredi toute la journée 04 50 21 29 92
Compusoft Maintenance informatiqueRetrait de colis Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 12h et de 14h30 à 18h Fermé les week end 04 50 91 19 45
Arly Presse Bureau de presse et tabac Tous les jours de 7h15 à 12h30 puis de 15h à 19h Fermé le dimanche après-midi et lundi toute la journée 04 50 21 90 18
Village Autos-Services Le Crêt du Midi Garage Du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 12h et de 14h à 18h Fermé Week-end 04 50 21 90 30
Le Pralin Restaurant / pizzeria Tous les jours de 9h à 15h et de 18h à 21h Ouverture de la terrasse le 19 mai. (sous réserve de météo favorable)Vente à emporter toujours possible.

Fin du service livraison.


04 50 21 92 67
Les Ronins Restaurant Du jeudi au dimanche de 12h à 13h puis de 17h à 19h Ouverture de la terrasse le 19 mai. (sous réserve de météo favorable)Vente à emporter toujours possible.

Service de livraison maintenu après 19h sur le secteur de Combloux, Praz et Flumet.

04 50 21 90 31
Pizz Mountain Pizzeria Du mercredi au dimanche de 17h00 à 22h00 Fermé lundi et mardiVente à emporter uniquement 04 50 91 99 19
La Bergerie Restaurant Ouvert tous les jours Ouverture de la terrasse le 19 mai. (sous réserve de météo favorable)Vente à emporter toujours possible. 04 50 21 80 97
Le Gentiana Bar Tous les jours Ouverture de la terrasse le 19 mai. (sous réserve de météo favorable) Uniquement pour la partie boisson. 04 50 21 90 07
Lanka Food







Traiteur / livraison à domicile





SUCHI et Plat Japonais


Tous les jours de 9h à 20h (week-end compris)





Tous les jours de 10h30 à 19h00 (week-end compris


Livraison à domicile sur le secteur Combloux / Megève / Praz sur Arly / Flumet / Notre Dame de Bellecombe.




Pas de livraison



06 88 22 79 88






06 33 02 70 18

La pleine des Belles Bar / snack fermé les lundisOuvert le mardi de 15h00 à 20h00

Ouvert du mercredi au dimanche de 10h30 à 20h00


Ouverture de la terrasse le 19 mai. (sous réserve de météo favorable)

Ouverture exceptionnelle le lundi de pentecôte 24 mai 2021 – de 10h30 à 20h00

Le terrain de tennis sera ouvert sur réservation (voir n° de téléphone) et le mini golf ouvert aux même horaires que le snack.

Programme of Activities for 12 March to 5 April 2021

Here is our “PRA(Z)TIQUE GUIDE”  giving you the programme of entertainment, the opening of shops and services, restaurants and outdoor activities.


3 COURS DE CUISINE en LIVE des Portes de Megève à 17h30, 18h30 et 19h30. Les 3 interventions seront à suivre sur la fan page officielle de l’Office de tourisme :

# 2° live avec Simon CARLIER samedi à 17h30
# 3° live avec Virginie GUITARD samedi à 18h30
# 4° live avec Marc BOISSIEUX samedi à 19h30


Rendez-vous à 10h à la Coopérative Fruitière en Val d’Arly pour une DECOUVERTE DES FROMAGES  AOP et IGP de Savoie : histoire et présentation de la Coopérative avec Philippe Bouchard directeur, atelier de fabrication du reblochon avec Valentine, diffusion des films et visite du musée avec Camille. Limité à des groupes de 6 personnes, inscriptions gratuites au téléphone, à l’accueil de l’Office de tourisme.


Front de neige, Praz-sur-Arly – De 16h à 17h
En famille ou en équipe, participez à ce concours de sculpture de neige autour du thème «îles paradisiaques» et remportez le Olaf d’or. Rendez-vous surle front de neige. Inscription obligatoire à l’Office de tourisme. Gratuit.


Place de la Mairie, de 8h à 13h. Vous trouverez de nombreux produits : fruits et légumes, vins, charcuteries et fromages de producteurs régionaux. Masque obligatoire. Accès libre.

Front de neige, Praz-sur-Arly – De 10h à 12h
Tout les mardis des vacances, c’est carnaval à Praz sur Arly! Venez réaliser votre masque de Carnaval, soyez créatif, imaginatif! Inscription à l’Office de tourisme. Matériel fourni. 2 €.

De 15h30 à 17h. Rendez-vous sur le front de neige pour un moment de détente et de glisse dans une ambiance conviviale et animée! Prêt de matériel gratuit. Gratuit.


Front de neige, Praz-sur-Arly – De 14h30 à 16h
En famille ou entre amis venez participer aux défis du fronts de neige, chamboule tout, course de garçons de café, blind test. Un moment pour toute la famille. Accès libre.


Front de neige, Praz-sur-Arly – De 16h à 17h
En famille ou en équipe, participez à ce concours de sculpture de neige autour du thème «îles paradisiaques» et remportez le Olaf d’or. Rendez-vous surle front de neige. Inscription obligatoire à l’Office de tourisme. Gratuit. 


Front de neige, Praz-sur-Arly – De 10h à 12h
Tout les mardis des vacances, c’est carnaval à Praz sur Arly! Venez réaliser votre masque de Carnaval, soyez créatif, imaginatif! Inscription à l’Office de tourisme. Matériel fourni. 2 €.

De 15h30 à 17h. Rendez-vous sur le front de neige pour un moment de détente et de glisse dans une ambiance conviviale et animée! Prêt de matériel gratuit. Gratuit.


Front de neige, Praz-sur-Arly – De 14h30 à 16h
En famille ou entre amis venez participer aux défis du fronts de neige, chamboule tout, course de garçons de café, blind test. Un moment pour toute la famille.
Accès libre.


Front de neige, Praz-sur-Arly – De 10h à 12h
Tout les mardis des vacances, c’est carnaval à Praz sur Arly! Venez réaliser votre masque de Carnaval, soyez créatif, imaginatif! Inscription à l’Office de tourisme. Matériel fourni. 2 €.

De 15h30 à 17h. Rendez-vous sur le front de neige pour un moment de détente et de glisse dans une ambiance conviviale et animée! Prêt de matériel gratuit. Gratuit.


Place de l’église, Praz-sur-Arly – De 10h à 12h
Un atelier pour célébrer Pâques. Venez peindre votre œuf selon vos envies et repartez avec. Réservation obligatoire à l’Office de tourisme, places limitées. Masque obligatoire.


Village, Praz-sur-Arly – 10h30 à 12h
A l’aide de votre feuille de route, surmontez les énigmes, trouvez le code secret et remportez le trésor gourmand. Une course de vitesse alliant sens de l’orientation et de la déduction. Réservation obligatoire à l’Office de tourisme. Places limitées. Gratuit.



COVID-19: your questions answered

COVID-19: Praz-sur-Arly is committed to ensuring your safety during your stay



We look forward to welcoming you soon in our resort and we’re working with our different partners, in a conscientious and responsible manner, in order to adapt our infrastructures in order to offer you holidays in complete security.


We are doing everything possible to guarantee the safety of our clients, employees and the inhabitants of Praz-sur-Arly.

I want to contact the Tourist Office, is it open?

We remain at your service:

To assure the continuity of our services, our team can be contacted either by telephone or by email.

Telephone: our telephone switchboard is open from Monday to Friday, 9.00 to 12.00 and 14.00 to 18.00 (hours subject to modification): +33 (0)4 50 21 90 57

Please consult the following site for official information concerning the Department of Haute Savoie: site of the Mairie of Praz sur Arly

What are the cancellation conditions if I have rented, or want to rent, an apartment via the Tourist Office Reservation Centre? 

+ In view of the persisting epidemic context, for any reservation made via our Reservation Centre, we ensure, up until the day before your arrival, the postponement or, failing that, the reimbursement of the sums paid for your reservation (excluding booking fees) if a governmental measure restricts your mobility (i.e. prevents you from coming to the resort because of traffic restrictions related to the Covid-19 epidemic).


+ For all other cases, it is agreed that it will be your insurance or the one contracted at the time of your reservation which will refund your deposit or the total amount of the reservation under the conditions of the subscribed contract. To ensure peace of mind, we strongly advise you to subscribe to a complementary cancellation insurance (including COVID illness) that the Tourist Office has selected for you!  Click here

What are the cancellation conditions if I have bought, or want to buy, my ski passes (Val d’Arly Labellemontagne)?

+ The ski area is closed for the time being. No precise date for opening has been given by the Government.


+ All season ski passes can be cancelled and reimbursed before the opening day of the season.


+ All weekly ski passes (3 days and more) purchased on our websites can be cancelled without justification before 10.00 a.m. on the first day of their validity. That’s the spirit of “Labellemontagne Freedom Passes”!

Our commitments to ensure your safety during your stay:

Winter sports are an outdoor activity where the equipment (gloves, skis, poles…) favour barrier measures. In some public places, the number of people may be restricted. Masks are compulsory from the age of 11. Below you will find the protective measures put in place during your stay in the resort.




Travelling to the resort using public transport

  • Masks are compulsory on the platforms and in the buses.

Ski lifts

  • Masks are compulsory when queuing and on the ski lifts.
  • Daily disinfection of contact areas.

At the ski rental shops

  • Masks are compulsory.
  • Disinfection of rented equipment.
  • Hydroalcoholic gel available.

In your accommodation and in the Tourist Offices

  • Masks are compulsory in communal and enclosed areas.
  • Hydroalcoholic gel available.
  • Disinfection of contact surfaces and increased frequency of cleaning.

In the bars / restaurants

  • Consumption only when seated.
  • Table spacing of at least 1 metre or the presence of a fixed or removable wall providing physical separation.
  • Masks are compulsory when moving around the establishment.
  • Hydroalcoholic gel available.
  • Disinfection of contact surfaces and increased frequency of cleaning.

At the Ski School

  • Masks are compulsory at the beginning and end of the lessons for the instructor and for people aged 11 and over.
  • In the buildings and public places:
    • Masks are compulsory for people aged 11 and over.
    • Hydroalcoholic gel available.
    • Disinfection of surfaces.
  • Disinfection of loaned equipment (bibs, avalanche detectors…).

Espace Diamant “Proximity” Card


Ski in the vast Espace Diamant ski area and enjoy 192 km of slopes linking the 6 Val d’Arly/Beaufortain village resorts.


Enjoy the unique panoramas of Mont-Blanc, the Aravis and the Beaufortain range with its mythical Pierra Menta.


Skiing for all levels and on Saturdays at 19€* in the entire Espace Diamant ski area.

*card bought on internet at a cost of 20€



> You only pay the days you actually ski.
> No need to queue at the ticket office, go straight to the slopes.
Ski every day in the Espace Diamant and on Saturdays for only 19€.
> Your 6 first days of skiing at 20% off in the Val d’Arly (3 outings maximum per week from Saturday to Friday after which the normal public rate applies). One outing possible among these 3 outings in the Espace Diamant at 10% off.
> Your 7th ski day is free.
> As of the 8th ski day, it’s not 20 but 30% off! (3 outings maximum per week from Saturday to Friday after which the normal public rate applies).


Click on the link below to order your “Proximity” Card:


Early Winter Booking in the Portes de Megève

If you reserve before 2 September 2018, you can save almost 2,000 Euros on your winter holidays for a booking of 7 nights minimum in 4 of our biggest chalets.

Periods: booked stays from 22.12.2018 to 5.01.2019 + all the February school holidays (from 8.02 to 10.03.2019).

4 chalets for 14 people – 200 sq.m: Dent du Géant, Mont Lachat, Aiguille Verte and Mont Vorès.





Good tip for your Summer 2018 holiday

The summer holidays are fast approaching! It’s time to reserve your stay and all the fun activities and entertainment that go with it: hiking, treasure hunts, chairlift, mini-golf, tennis, handicraft workshops…

Reserve your furnished accommodation and your Mont Blanc Activities Pass on and take advantage of special rates and lots of activities during your holidays.

Your stay includes:

– Your accommodation for 7 nights for all the family
– One 7-day Activity Pass per person (unlimited access to the Crêt du Midi chairlift, Mini-Golf and Tennis in the Belles Leisure Park, and hiking: map of the trails or the Smugglers’ comic book)

– All the creative workshops offered by the Tourist Office (make-up, woodwork, handicrafts… )

From 81€/per person* (*on the basis of 2 adults + 2 children)

New in Summer 2018: The Mont Blanc Pass

A new version of the Mont Blanc Pass

This summer, Praz-sur-Arly is proposing a new pass for access to unlimited activities including the Crêt du Midi chairlift, mini-golf and tennis. The pass also offers reductions with our associated partners and other activities can be added to the card in the surrounding Pays du Mont-Blanc villages (summer sledging, skating, biotope lake, swimming pools…).

More information: 0450219057


The pass offers unlimited access to the following activities in Praz sur Arly:

– Crêt du Midi chairlift
– The Belles mini-golf
– The Belles tennis courts
– Hiking (map of the trails or Smugglers’ comic book).



The pass is available in 3 categories: 7-day pass for very young children (less than 5 years), 7-day pass for a child (from 5 to 16 years inclusive), 7-day pass for an adult (17 years and over).

These activities are registered on a “hands free” chip card like a skipass. The pass also offers reductions with our associated partners.


Other activities can also be added to the card for the surrounding Pays du Mont-Blanc villages (summer sledging, skating, swimming pools in Megève, the Combloux biotope lake, etc.).


This formula is for seven days, with a children’s rate, and free for children under 5 years of age. Possibility with one single pass to access a whole variety of activities giving you more choice and more pleasure! The pass will be on sale in July and August at the Praz-sur-Arly Tourist Office and other partner resorts.

Spring skiing and snowshoeing in Praz sur Arly

Take advantage of our special ski and snowshoe offers in March and April!


From Saturday 31 March to Friday 6 April 2018, THE SKIPASS IS FREE FOR CHILDREN OF LESS THAN 10 YEARS… for a 1/2 day, full day or for your whole stay. The little ones can ski anywhere in the VAL D’ARLY ski area.

EXCLUSIVE INTERNET OFFER! If you reserve the “Spring for Little Skiers” package (Adult skipass + child skipass for 6 days or more) on internet: LABELLEMONTAGNE will give you a child’s ski jacket free


  • – 1 child’s ski rental (skis + boots) for 6 days or more offered free with the purchase of an adult rental (skis + boots) of the same duration.
  • – 1 child’s group ski class for 6 days offered free by the Ski School for the purchase of a 6-day adult group ski class.




Reserve your furnished accommodation and take advantage of up to 30% reductions on your Espace Diamant skipass from Saturday 10 March to Friday 6 April 2018.

Online sale and payment of all-inclusive packages (furnished rental+skipasses) can be made on this site:

1) Select your rental: chalet, apartment or studio

2) Choose your skipass: take advantage of a reduction on Espace Diamant skipasses of 2 to 7 days.

-20% : from Saturday 10 to 24 March 2018 and from Saturday 31 March to Saturday 7 April 2018

-30% : from Saturday 24 to Saturday 31 March 2018.

This offer is valid for the online reservation of a furnished rental and an Espace Diamant skipass of 2 to 7 days.





Discover the mountains and nature in a different way, with snowshoes or trekking skis, on an accompanied outing with a guide or instructor! Take advantage of the snow and sunshine during the longer days in March and April in the Pays du Mont-Blanc!


Half-day or full-day snowshoe excursions

In the morning, afternoon or at night, half-day outings will allow you to discover our local nature and heritage. Your guide will show you animal footprints, interesting historical features of our heritage and point out the surrounding summits… From 24€, equipment included.


Half-day or full-day ski trekking excursions

Ski trekking is an energetic and wonderful sport, also called seal-skin skiing. In order to do it well, you need endurance, a taste for hard effort and a good level of skiing. But the reward at the top and the pleasure of skiing down through virgin snow is absolutely unique. Our instructors will share their passion for the mountains with you, in complete safety.


Night excursions and aperitif in an igloo…

At the end of a lovely snowshoe walk at nightfall, through forests and snowy meadows, you’ll discover the amazing insulating power of the snow when you sit down in our igloo. A chance to taste our excellent regional products: mulled wine, hot chocolate, cheese and local sausage meats. It’s a truly magical moment out in the wild. From 38€/per person, equipment and aperitif included.


54 Route du Val d'Arly, 74120 Praz-sur-Arly, Haute-Savoie, France
Open every day from 9.00 am to 12.00 am and 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm